NaNoBlog 2002
30 days. 50,000 words. No sweat.

Wednesday, May 21, 2003  

I've decided to create a NaNo-style challenge for myself, to finish a draft of my other novel-in-progress--which I started 3 years ago!--by the end of June. Starting tomorrow, there will be 40 days until the end of June, and I estimate I have approximately 40,000 words left to write on it, so my goal will be to write 40K words in 40 days. At "only" 1,000 words a day, it's not as tough a challenge as NaNo, though my real hope is to hit the regular NaNo quota of 1,667 words per day as often as possible. And since the real goal is to finish the novel, it's fine with me if I finish it before hitting 40K words, or if I have to keep writing after I meet the word count goal, as long as I finally get through it. It remains to be seen whether I can do this without thousands of other people going through it with me, though!

Unfortunately, June won't be a great month for me to do this, either, as I won't have many, if any, daytime hours to write, without my kids' usual preschool schedule. My family will have to be really supportive of my writing in the evenings & on weekends! But my main reason to fear that I won't meet the challenge isn't that I won't have much time or that I won't have all the other wrimos doing it with me to motivate me (or even that my computer is barely functioning anymore!), but that I care more about this novel than I did about my NaNo novel when I was writing it! I have so much invested in this one that it feels like there is more at stake, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to let myself write as freely--or plan as little!--as I did with my NaNo novel. I've been blocked on this one for ages, & am not sure a challenge will help with that....

posted by Alison | 9:50 PM

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