NaNoBlog 2002
30 days. 50,000 words. No sweat.

Saturday, November 02, 2002  

I can't believe it. 10,446! I'm 20% of the way there! And of people who have reported their word count so far, I'm actually #31 in total word count! But it's so, so bad that I don't know how it can count... I think this may just be a typing exercise! I keep saying the same stupid thing over and over (that the narrator is afraid her dad is going to marry her annoying neighbor's mother), when I meant to just have that be a given from about the second chapter on. Ugh. It's not like it's suspenseful. This may end up being one very looooong character sketch. And why can't I write this much on my OTHER novel? I have yet to look at it today, but since I don't really want to finish my NaNo novel so early that the whole thing becomes anti-climactic, maybe I should switch to that one. It's hard, though. This one is easier because it doesn't count.

posted by Alison | 4:20 PM

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